Press Releases

Discovery promises to help physicists understand the nature of the universe's most abundant particle ...

Team of scientists at Mainz University finds a way to evaluate highly complex Feynman integrals ...

A milestone of national collaboration ...

Kraft lignin successfully degraded using a "green" oxidizer ...
Digital cosmopolitans share similar values and are guided by similar motivations and perspectives on society ...

High-profile delegation of the Education Council of the University of Jyväskylä familiarizes with JGU's promotion of innovative learning and teaching and gives new impulses in the field of university development ...

Descriptions and phrases used in the Revelation of John are similar in terminology to those appearing on curse tablets produced in antiquity and the associated sorcery rituals ...

Chemistry professor at New York University receives new research prize worth EUR 100,000 / Future collaboration with the team of Dmitry Budker at Mainz University ...

Analysis of finds from the Neumark-Nord site near Halle provide first indisputable proof of active hunting of elephants by early humans and change our perception of Neanderthal lifeways ...

Special setup uses polarized rubidium and xenon as transmitter and receiver system for exotic fields ...

Phase transition in the early universe changes strength of interaction between dark and normal matter ...

Rhine-Main Universities selected for pilot project ...

Natural Hazard Research and Geoarchaeology team of JGU is investigating coastal developments in Western Greece over the last 11,600 years ...

Academic training in translation and interpreting available for 12 languages takes into account current trends and developments in the translation industry ...

Composition of gases emitted by volcanoes can provide information on the possibility of imminent eruptions / Lightweight drones make investigation possible even in areas that are difficult to access ...
Head and neck tumors can be combated more effectively with "sunshine" vitamin ...

Sediment cores obtained from Eifel maar sites provide insight into the presence of large Ice Age mammals in Central Europe over the past 60,000 years / Overkill hypothesis not confirmed ...
Researchers use baker's yeast to study potential targets for fighting cancer cells ...
Many early-career researchers in the academic field of archaeology experience stress due to precarious employment situation / Results of extensive international survey supervised by Mainz University ...

Researchers use speleothems as a source of information on historic climate / Hydroclimate volatility and increase in natural forest fire events are linked ...