Press Releases

The presented list of press releases in English is only a selection of our German press texts. For the time being, these translated press releases focus primarily on science and research at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.

Dynamic network of proteins in the pores of the nuclear envelope blocks dangerous invaders ...

A researcher from Mainz University has published a special issue of Biology Letters on the causes and consequences of the worldwide decline in insect biomass as well as potential countermeasures ...

SynDLP could be a bacterial ancestor of eukaryotic membrane proteins ...

Theoretical predictions and new experimental data on 4He, measured with great accuracy, diverge significantly from each other ...

Computer models simulate plate tectonic processes since the beginning of the Cretaceous period around 140 million years ago and provides an explanation for the special features of the Caribbean region ...

Building bridges of academic exchange between Mainz and Israeli universities ...

Males of the yellow crazy ant have two genomes each in separate cell clusters ...

Rhine-Main Universities Mainz and Darmstadt jointly offer new research-focused Soft Matter and Materials degree course program with increasing practical components starting in the coming winter semester ...

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz to bestow its most prestigious research prize on Harvard stem cell biologist ...

Novel theoretical predictions to advance the search for new physics at the LHC / Funding worth EUR 2.5 million ...

Improved ATLAS measurement of the W boson mass is in line with the Standard Model of particle physics ...

PhD student Daniel Wenz from Mainz University presents data at a seminar at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy ...

Discovery promises to help physicists understand the nature of the universe's most abundant particle ...

Team of scientists at Mainz University finds a way to evaluate highly complex Feynman integrals ...

A milestone of national collaboration ...

Kraft lignin successfully degraded using a "green" oxidizer ...

Digital cosmopolitans share similar values and are guided by similar motivations and perspectives on society ...

High-profile delegation of the Education Council of the University of Jyväskylä familiarizes with JGU's promotion of innovative learning and teaching and gives new impulses in the field of university development ...

Descriptions and phrases used in the Revelation of John are similar in terminology to those appearing on curse tablets produced in antiquity and the associated sorcery rituals ...

Professor Dr. Alexej Jerschow (photo/©: private)

Chemistry professor at New York University receives new research prize worth EUR 100,000 / Future collaboration with the team of Dmitry Budker at Mainz University ...