Press Releases
Scotland Hub of Mainz University and Scottish Universities Life Sciences Alliance to strengthen their collaboration ...
Eight-day research campaign provides new insights into the settlement history of the North Frisian Wadden Sea ...
Chile and Germany provide national research funding for the development of a new technique known as Gradual Abstract Interpretation ensuring the error-free and safe application of programming languages ...
Dorothee Dormann and Edward Lemke propose a new concept to measure the individual risk of getting age-related diseases ...
Pathfinder program of the European Innovation Council supports the development of highly innovative, exploratory new technologies at the very earliest stage of their development likely to have major potential impact ...
Researchers at the universities of Mainz and Lausanne have identified a noncoding gene as the deciding factor in determining sex in Argentine ants ...
Analysis of the connectome of Drosophila melanogaster provides new insights into how its visual system is organized / Research contribution by the FlyWire Consortium ...
Collaborative Research Centre at JGU's Institute for Nuclear Physics seeks new physical phenomena through a better understanding of strong interaction processes ...
Geographers at JGU and the University of Cambridge have produced evidence that global warming may be more extreme than has been assumed to date ...
Cultural heritage of seven centuries will be made publicly accessible in digital form / German Research Foundation to provide EUR 310,000 in funding ...
Mainz University Medical Center to offer the continuing education Master of Science program "Personalized Oral Implantology and Periodontology" from October 2024 ...
Methylation of mRNA disturbs the production of ND5, a subunit of complex I of the respiratory chain / Impairment of the brain's energy supply ...
Progress in determining neutrino mass: Research group lead by Christoph Düllmann provides exotic samples for experiments ...
Most prestigious research prize of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz is awarded to Romance Studies scholar from the University of Zurich ...
Researchers from six German scientific institutions contribute significantly to the new experiment at the CERN research center for particle physics with detector developments ...
New physics in parity violation: From the Thomson limit to the energy frontier / Funding worth EUR 3.2 million ...
Specialization of ant queens as mere egg-layers is reversible / Queen behavioral specialization is initiated and maintained by the presence of workers ...
English-language program links theoretical exploration and practical laboratory work / Application period: April 1st to May 15th, 2024 ...
After a period of quiescence, the subduction zone under the Strait of Gibraltar will continue to invade the Atlantic Ocean ...
Altermagnetic CrSb with promising characteristics for electronic applications ...