Press Releases

The presented list of press releases in English is only a selection of our German press texts. For the time being, these translated press releases focus primarily on science and research at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.

Project of Faculty 06 receives the Excellence Award for Learning and Teaching of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate ...

Elisabeth Gateff supports the planned Green School with EUR 50,000 ...

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz qualifies as a pilot university in the Quality Management in Institutions of Higher Education program / Funding of EUR 300,000 approved ...

Physicists from the University of Mainz simulate quantum magnetism with ultracold atoms ...

Research training group looks at increasingly important cross-border social support structures ...

Ancient Near Eastern Studies researchers from Mainz University are undertaking a large scale survey of the ancient Elamite city of Kabnak ...

Cooperation of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and the Roman-Germanic Central Museum ...

New palaeogenetic study based in Mainz and London sees development of lactase persistence as the result of a natural selection process ...

TRIGA research reactor at Mainz University takes leading position worldwide ...

Second archaeological excavation campaign in Haft Tappeh in southwestern Iran ...

Iran has opened up access to Mainz University for the purposes of archaeological research ...