Press Releases

Awarded for outstanding contributions to the field of theoretical elementary particle physics with a visiting professorship in Vienna ...

Latest measurements provide valuable information on novel particles that could explain the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon / Breaking new experimental ground ...

EU funding for research on the evolution in communities under current and future climate conditions ...

Incremental computations can react to changes in data instantly / Large potential for energy savings ...

EU funding for research on aggregations of the protein TDP-43 in the brain ...

Finds uncovered in the east of Germany show that Neanderthals stored vast amounts of meat and fat or temporarily aggregated in larger groups to consume these ...

Joint study of the Mainz University of Applied Sciences and Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz shows that AI-generated content is rated as having higher clarity and appeal ...
Evidence from eastern Germany shows that early humans had a more varied diet than previously known ...

Mainz University and the US-American BENFRA Center have jointly demonstrated the effect of botanical products used in traditional Asiatic medicine on depressive states ...

New mechanism for the degradation of aldehyde-induced RNA-protein crosslinks ...

New study identifies decentralized opinion leaders and their impact on the Bitcoin discourse, categorizing eight types of influencers with varying communication styles and topics ...

Transnational initiative intends to generate sustained changes to promote healthy and eco-friendly agri-food systems / Funding provided through the EU PRIMA program ...

Researchers at the universities in Mainz, Cologne, and Oldenburg gain important insights into a cryptochrome protein involved in synchronization of marine organisms' inner lunar calendar with moon phases ...

Research Training Group "Gene Regulation in Evolution" of JGU and the Institute of Molecular Biology focuses on the role of gene regulation in evolution ...

Joint research and innovation strategies of FORTHEM match the ambition of its educational and social dimensions / Final FIT FORTHEM project meeting and conference in Riga, Latvia ...
Establishing a digital assistance system based on artificial intelligence to support patients / Sports Medicine research group of Mainz University involved in two projects coordinated by the Mainz University Medical Center ...

Researchers at Mainz University are investigating the jet stream to assess how its decadal variations could affect the occurrence of weather extremes in Europe ...

HALO research aircraft has provided valuable contributions to research into the effects on the climate of the Asian Summer Monsoon and the wildfires in Canada ...

Robert Reinecke of Mainz University contributed scientific modeling and expertise to the 2022 report / Joint research within the Rhine-Main Universities Alliance ...

Core components for the upcoming MESA experiment MAGIX have arrived in Mainz ...