News 2012

Assessment team gives American Studies at Mainz University very good to excellent grades in all areas / Top rank for best research quality in all of Germany ...

Recognition of outstanding achievements in the field of statistical physics ...

Participants in the EU-funded Intensive Program will create professional film clips about research projects ...

Director of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy is awarded the prize of the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers worth EUR 10,000 ...

Experimental physicist Stuart Parkin of the IBM Almaden Research Center in San Jose, California and member of the Gutenberg Research College received the 2012 Von Hippel Award ...

Sports promotion as part of cultural foreign policy ...

Project aims to discover the genetic blueprints for new drugs from marine organisms that could help to prevent and to treat major human diseases such as osteoporosis ...

Chemist receives high distinction for her research into new materials ...

European recognition of teaching and research in the field of European integration ...

Lecture series of the internationally renowned public finance expert is to focus on the European Monetary Union and the future of the European Community from an economic perspective ...

Biologists at Mainz University achieve repair and read-through of stop mutations responsible for the disease ...

ERC Advanced Grant for the promotion of cutting-edge research in the field of neuroscience at the Mainz University Medical Center ...

German Federal Ministry of Education and Research earmarks EUR 1.3 million to develop magnetic resonance imaging using polarized substances ...

Strategic measures lead to professionalization of learning and teaching as well as study management at Mainz University ...

Mainz University adapts advisory services to the changing student situation / Career Service offers occupational orientation and provides skills ...

Major boost for the Research Unit Translational Neurosciences ...

German Research Foundation provides funding of approximately EUR 9.3 million ...

Sources of innovation and inspiration: Foundations present various forms of social commitment to the university ...

Ions are cooled during collisions with cold atoms / Similar processes assumed to occur in space ...

Deletion of just one gene results in complete sex reversal of male mice ...