Press Releases
TOTAL E-QUALITY Deutschland e.V. honors JGU's exemplary and successful measures to promote equality ...
Scientists from the United States, Norway, and Germany create a unique data set for the reconstruction of the phylogeny of molluscs ...
Statistical data published by the German Chemical Society proves the attractiveness of chemistry studies in Mainz ...
Mainz method of electron microscopy in international demand / Structural analysis of zeolite published in Science ...
Mainz University Medical Center investigates new treatment option and its mechanism of action ...
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz has submitted full proposals for a graduate school, three clusters of excellence, and its institutional strategy to promote top-level university research ...
Academic Ranking of World Universities listed JGU's institutes of physics among 75 best worldwide ...
New research group to investigate the interplay between various epigenetic factors and to identify new components that interpret the epigenetic landscape and drive cells into differentiation ...
JGU is awarded the European Quality Label for the third time for its outstanding implementation of the Erasmus student mobility program ...
Team led by Göstar Klingelhöfer cooperates with leading researcher of the Japanese space agency JAXA on solar system research projects ...
Showpiece for the performance capacity of young academics ...
JGU honors exceptional personal commitment based on a sense of social responsibility ...
Andreas Vött presents new results of geomorphological and geoarchaeological investigations on the sedimentary burial of Olympia ...
Variation in aggression is possibly part of the division of labor in ant colonies ...
Aim is to improve academic writing skills in university teacher training / Additional contributors to help build a text corpus welcome ...
New treatment approach shall soon be ready for use in Usher syndrome patients ...
Dramatic increase in allergic diseases in industrial societies is linked to rapid disappearance of specific micro-organisms that populate the human body ...
Klaus Adam hands over to his successor Peter Radermacher and takes over as Chairman of the Board of Trustees / Otto Boehringer becomes Honorary President of the Board of Trustees ...
Linguistic research looks at names of German companies ...
Most important milestone in the direct measurement of the magnetic moment of the proton and its anti-particle has been achieved / Focusing the matter-antimatter symmetry ...