Press Releases

Optical pressure measurements possible in solid state and in solution / Molecular ruby for use in materials sciences or catalysis ...

International team of researchers studied hunting lesions on fallow deer ...

A selective electrochemical reaction enables the synthesis of thebaine and offers a solution to a long-standing synthetic challenge ...

Precise measurement of the optical excitation of atomic levels in the atomic shell of three isotopes of the heavy element 102 ...
Historians look at Russia in the late 18th and early 19th century to learn how a people does create the concept of its own history ...
Team of researchers at Sanofi and Mainz University finds no positive action of isomers of the fatty acid derivatives 5- and 9-PAHSA in diabetes models ...
Researchers identify a gene whose activity regulates the sensitivity to brood scent and thus influences the brood care behavior of ants ...

Theoretical physicists calculate the origin of a high-energy particle track captured by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory ...
Researchers at the Mainz University Medical Center participate in a genetic study investigating the role of light in the development of myopia ...
New study of the cardiology of the University Medical Center Mainz continues to show that night-time noise is particularly harmful to vessels and brain ...
JGU ranked among the top three German universities across all faculties and in individual subjects / Third place nationally in the Physics subject group ...

A boost for graphene-based light detectors ...

Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung sponsors immunological research project being undertaken by Krishnaraj Rajalingam of the Mainz University Medical Center ...

Edward Lemke of Mainz University to coordinate the DFG Priority Program researching intrinsically disordered proteins and their function in the cell ...

Award ceremony at the annual celebration of Mainz University's expert body for the promotion of cutting-edge research ...

Second funding period for the Life Sciences – Life Writing: Boundary Experiences of Human Life between Biomedical Explanation and Lived Experience project ...
Increased data volume and writing speed in a new antiferromagnetic-based memory ...
Individual Fellowships provided through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions program support new research projects ...
Europe-wide university ranking places Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz among the top five German universities and in an overall 21st place in Europe ...

Germany’s best-endowed research prize is awarded to molecular biologist at Mainz University / Important contribution towards the realignment of the Faculty of Biology at JGU ...