News 2024

European Commission funding for new project "AI in ADU: Artificial Intelligence in Adult Education and Self-Learning: Providing personalized and adaptive learning experiences with emphasis on language learning" ...

JGU Center for Lifelong Learning implements the "FOOD includes: Reaching, recruiting and engaging excluded learners by harnessing the power of food" project to develop food-based training initiatives for excluded or non-interested learners ...

Research study confirms intrinsic limits of weather forecasting and identifies reasons / Forecasts for midlatitude weather could be significantly improved ...

Researchers at the universities of Mainz, Olomouc, and Tokyo succeeded in generating a logical qubit from a single light pulse that has the inherent capacity to correct errors ...

JGU has been invited to submit two full proposals for Clusters of Excellence ...

New interdisciplinary research platform to bring together excellent researchers from the life sciences and the natural sciences ...

Researchers find indications of a patrilineal descent system for western Eurasian Bell Beaker communities / Family relationships that link Britain to Luxembourg ...

University Medical Center Mainz proves worsening of MS symptoms due to ATI proteins from wheat ...

Establishing direct light therapy to combat brain tumors / EIC Pathfinder program supports international collaboration with EUR 2.2 million ...

Researchers at the Faculty of Biology at Mainz University and their French partners receive financing from ANR and DFG for joint projects ...

An international study classifies groundwater as a keystone ecosystem and proposes ways to improve its protection to preserve biodiversity and mitigate climate change ...