News 2022

European Commission to provide some EUR 14.4 million to support Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and partners establish a transnational European University / Start of the second funding period with two new partners   ...

Cerium dioxide nanoparticles work in biological processes like natural enzymes and change signaling molecules, thereby preventing the formation of biofilms   ...

Mainz University succeeds in the first round of the new Carl Zeiss Foundation Wildcard program / Researchers present an innovative approach for enhancing electronic devices   ...

Newly discovered optical effect allows IceCube to deduce ice crystal properties   ...

Focus on scientists in their early career phases as well as the academic mid-level faculty   ...

New calculations based on fundamental theories deviate from the currently accepted theoretical value   ...

German Research Foundation approves second funding period for the investigation of polymer gels with a model-network structure / New focus on biomaterial applications   ...

Research study by the universities of Mainz and Zurich demonstrates high effectivity in developing the ability for self-regulation in young primary school students  ...

Significant scientific success and fantastic research opportunities at the Mainz Gutenberg Campus   ...

Interdisciplinary approach significantly improves analysis in magnetic resonance imaging for medicine and research ...

Interdisciplinary approach significantly improves analysis in magnetic resonance imaging for medicine and research   ...

Bacteria produce antifungal compound protecting the eggs, larvae, and pupae from infections / Bacterial community is retained even during molting stages   ...

Geomagnetic surface survey provides accurate information for productive future excavations / Discovery of an ancient settlement close to Khirbat al-Minya   ...

Quantum mechanics put to the test  ...

Researchers at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz examine ways of alleviating depressive states using the Drosophila fruit fly as a model   ...

23 students from all FORTHEM partner universities engage in networking at the first FORTHEM International Start-up Days in Mainz / Main focus: Starting a business and entrepreneurship   ...

Biosynthetic pathway of the light-harvesting carotenoid fucoxanthin is surprisingly complex / Photoprotective pigments serve as precursors   ...

Superheavy element flerovium is a volatile metal    ...

International research team deciphers molecular mechanism that allows bristle worms to discriminate between sun- and moonlight  ...

Few components of an ant's complex waxy layer are enough to recognize members of its own colony   ...