News 2021
Color changes of gold nanoparticles under the skin reveal concentration changes of substances in the body ...
New calculations favor a smaller value for the size of the proton, helping to resolve the proton radius puzzle ...
Launch of European research project FORTEe on digital health and exercise for children and adolescents with cancer ...
Bioinspired cellulose nanofibrils can be controlled by electricity / Strength and stiffness can be modulated via an electrical switch ...
Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Goethe University Frankfurt, and Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz jointly offer structured graduate program ...
Tree ring analyses show historically exceptional summer drought in recent years / Anomaly is likely the result of human-caused climate change ...
Scientists of the PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence analyze data from the gravitational wave observatory NANOGrav ...
Scotland Hub at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz is linchpin of Rhineland-Palatinate–Scotland relations ...
New technique using nuclear spin hyperpolarization of hydrogen paves the way for further advances in the field of MRI ...
Magnetometry exploiting color center defects in diamond probes and magneto-optic imaging found to complement each other / Progress towards the creation of more effective data storage systems ...
Researchers at Mainz University developed a new procedure for the quick, cost-effective, and environmentally-friendly production of essential substances required by the pharmaceutical industry ...
Mobility of skyrmions in geometric structures depends on their arrangement ...
Study shows correlation between Twitter sentiment and the valuation of start-ups by venture capitalists / Patents are stronger indicators of long-term success ...
Humboldt Research Fellowship for Joanna Sobczyk / Matthias Schott selected as Humboldt Scout ...
Physicists use atomic magnetometers to measure the biomagnetic signals of the carnivorous plant ...
A discovery in theoretical physics could help to unravel the mysteries of dark matter ...
Researchers of Mainz University use electrolysis to produce dichloro and dibromo compounds in a safer and more environmentally friendly manner / Results published in Science ...
Publication in Nature is the result of 20 years of proven collaboration ...
A new book looks at the use of audiovisual media by jihadi groups and their supporters as well as at how these contributions are being countered ...
Center of the island of stability is not located at element 114 / Heavier elements will move into the spotlight ...