Press Releases

Nuclear clocks employ oscillations within the nucleus as their timekeeper / Quantifying of the energy released by the decay of the excited thorium-229 nucleus ...

New appointment to strengthen international neutrino research ...

A waste stream from food production is a valuable alternative for petroleum in the production of organic UV filters ...

Stingless bees unlike honey bees are not manipulated by the presence of caffeine in nectar and pollen to increase their foraging activities ...

Drosophila melanogaster develops stable long-term memory for its body size and reach through motion parallax while walking ...

Scientists develop solution-processable ferroelectric nylons ...

Mainz molecular biologist joins European Molecular Biology Organization EMBO ...

Seismic noise provides information on the inner structure of the volcano near Naples ...

First enhancement of the particle detector at the South Pole is primarily aimed at investigating neutrino oscillation ...

Injured axons instruct Schwann cells to build specialized actin spheres to break down and remove axon fragments, thereby starting the regeneration process ...

Climate researchers solve mystery of extended aerosol layer in the atmosphere ...

Siegfried Waldvogel is coordinating an EU project to convert waste into sustainable compounds in collaboration with an industrial consortium ...

Physicists at Mainz University intend to detect axions using a new comagnetometer configuration ...

International player in researching the fundamental forces of nature ...
Collaboration of businesses and universities aims to transfer technology from the lab scale to practical industrial applications ...

European FORTHEM Alliance under the aegis of JGU to receive millions in funding for harmonizing learning, teaching, and research across national borders ...

Rhineland-Palatinate Research Initiative will fund leading-edge research areas to ensure national and international competitiveness ...

Biochemists identified the structure of a ring located at the opening of the TRPML2 ion channel that can be blocked by calcium ions ...

Microscopic images allow to differentiate between carnivores and herbivores and might support the discovery of the first herbivorous terrestrial vertebrates ...

Scientists discovered that the eggs of the European beewolf produce nitric oxide, a gas preventing the larvaeās food from getting moldy in the warm and humid brood cells ...