Press Releases

The presented list of press releases in English is only a selection of our German press texts. For the time being, these translated press releases focus primarily on science and research at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.

Users worldwide now have full digital access to thousands of Shakespearean illustrations ...

Free online access to scientific data as prerequisite for a virtual research environment ...

Merkel, Eberlein, Bäuerle: On the formation of surnames ...

Atomic nuclei in laser light: Nuclear physicists investigate magic shells / Publication in Physical Review Letters ...

Commended by the Donors' Association for the Promotion of Science and Humanities in Germany and the German Rector's Conference for innovative and student-oriented teaching concepts ...

Anthropologists from Mainz University together with French and English colleagues have calculated the size of the first domesticated cattle herd ...

Neurobiology division of the Institute of Zoology of Mainz University is now part of the EU-funded pan-European FLiACT initial training network on systemic neuroscience ...

New method of monitoring protein molecules using gold nanoparticles ...

A German-Swedish study shows that internet-based self-help training for tinnitus is as successful as group therapy ...

European program on management and administration in the modern world of sports ...

Funding of the German-Scottish research initiative on "The Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border" to the tune of EUR 500,000 ...

Surname inventory to be generated as a joint project of the Mainz Academy of Sciences and Literature ...

Mainz Professor of Byzantine Studies and specialist in Arabic Studies Johannes Pahlitzsch cooperates with the French research center CNRS to create a new database for historical Arabic documents ...

The long-term cultural studies project will examine the interaction between the bourgeois civil society and courtiers in urban environments ...

More than EUR 80 million in funding for the development of individualized forms of immunotherapy and diagnostics ...

"Frontiers," the student magazine of Minnesota State University, Mankato reports on Kurtis Malecha's experiences working as research assistant to Nils Stöbener at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz ...

Scientists at the University Medical Center in Mainz prove multiple DNA repair defect in monocytes ...

New academic journal for translators and interpreters ...

Cooperation between Angelika Kühnle of Mainz University and André Gourdon of CEMES-CNRS ...

JUnQ attracts considerable national and international interest and notice ...