Press Releases

The presented list of press releases in English is only a selection of our German press texts. For the time being, these translated press releases focus primarily on science and research at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.

Ionization potential of radioactive element astatine measured ...

Molecular mechanisms of post-transcriptional gene regulation will be studied ...

Students of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz gain local insight into the second largest economy in the world ...

Modern lab workplaces with excellent equipment support the potential research options in anthropology / New building highly energy efficient ...

Experiments using benzophenones derived from plants originating in Cameroon produce evidence that these may be effective against multi-drug resistant cancers ...

Study confirms online sales are enhanced by social recommendations and determines the actual value of "Likes" ...

Mainz chemists and physicians develop nanoparticle-based immunotherapy for cancer ...

Fourth volume of the German Surname Atlas published ...

Theoretical nuclear and hadron physicist of Mainz University receives renowned specialist distinction for his contributions to two-photon physics and the structure of baryons ...

Joint Master's degree program of the Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas and Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz to begin in October 2013 ...

Researchers from Mainz University hand over their recommendation of the EPUB3 standard to Neelie Kroes, EU Commissioner for the Digital Agenda ...

Major distinction for innovative and interdisciplinary research concept ...

Transnational project receives EU funding worth almost EUR 1 million over the next three years ...

Award given to internationally acclaimed quantum physicist Maciej Lewenstein ...

Gutenberg Research College honors quantum physicist with many-faceted research interests active throughout Europe ...

Ancient DNA analyses of skeletal remains of plague victims from the 6th century AD provide information about the phylogeny and the place of origin of this pandemic ...

Expectation of negative effects can increase likelihood of experiencing symptoms / Media needs to be more responsible when warning about health risks ...

Foundation supports the realignment of the Faculty of Biology and the implementation of key aspects of JGU's institutional strategy / University and state to construct state-of-the-art research building ...

Research network analyzes financial literacy in international comparison ...

Plasma protein fetuin-B regulates hardening of the zona pellucida and thus ensures the fertilization capacity of the ovum ...