Press Releases

The presented list of press releases in English is only a selection of our German press texts. For the time being, these translated press releases focus primarily on science and research at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.

Quantum leap in the reliability of mass spectrometry-based proteomics ...

New excavations to investigate the use of the palace following the severe earthquake of 749 AD ...

Cancer researcher from Mainz develops targeted epigenetic approach for the treatment of aggressive forms of leukemia ...

Investigation of new magnetic structures for spintronics applications / Skyrmions could one day make the storage media in our computers smaller and more efficient ...

First-time detection and characterization of excited states of nobelium atoms ...

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz is among Germany's top five academic institutions in the field of Physics ...

Inhibition of the protein kinase CK2 prevents the development of auto-aggressive T cells ...

New particle accelerator generating radioactive isotopes for use in nuclear chemistry will be employed to create new medical radiopharmaceuticals ...

Award for his research on the synthesis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and 2D macromolecules for electronic components ...

International measurement campaign over West Africa provides first results / Causes for enormous complexity in the multiple cloud layers still unclear ...

Just like the proton, the deuteron poses a mystery ...

3-D technology is particularly interesting for action and horror films, less for documentaries ...

Direct correlation between temperature dependent generation of spin currents and atomic composition of interfaces found ...

Heusler alloy NiMnSb could prove valuable as a new material for digital information processing and storage ...

New research on the massive impact of a huge ice sheet melted in North America by the end of the most recent ice age on the climate of northwest Europe and northwest Africa ...

International research team demonstrates that populations in the ancient Fertile Crescent are the ancestors of modern-day South Asians but not of Europeans ...

Researchers in Mainz and Kiel have uncovered the molecular mechanism behind the synthesis of melanin using a technique involving mutation of the relevant enzyme tyrosinase ...

Densified regions with drastically reduced internal motion either act as crystal precursors or cluster and frustrate all further dynamics ...

DFG provides funding for a comparison of long-term care in Germany and the Netherlands ...

Mainz researchers discover new mechanism associated with the worldwide decline of bee populations ...