Press Releases
Studies conducted in Germany and the USA used hypothetical questions to determine the link between belief in conspiracy theories and political engagement ...
JGU will be closed for public business and switched from regular operation to emergency operation starting March 24 ...
Chances of study success in Economics could be determined at the beginning of studies / Results of the WiWiSET project ...

Researchers track down the mystery of the surplus of matter ...
DIASyM research cluster aims to exploit the potential of mass spectrometry for systems medicine ...

Biology and physics come together in an interdisciplinary project to investigate the physical properties of wax-like cuticular hydrocarbons ...

Study by Mainz physicists indicates that the next generation of neutrino experiments may well find the answer to one of the most pressing issues in neutrino physics ...

Ratio of zinc-66 to zinc-64 isotopes sheds light on the nutrition of prehistoric mammals ...

New algorithm solves complex problems more easily and more accurately on a personal computer while requiring less processing power than a supercomputer ...

Investigation of the temperature dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect reveals further insights into possible new data storage devices ...

German-Egyptian research project has reestablished Asyut's importance in the history of Egypt over the past 16 years ...
Researchers point out social media and search engines have encouraged greater and more diverse news consumption, thus challenging the concept of filter bubbles and echo chambers on the Internet ...

Neurons in the visual system sensitive to luminance make it possible to maintain effective vision and react appropriately when encountering sudden decreases in illumination ...

Exclusive insight into processes and conditions in the Earth's interior ...
A research project undertaken by Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and the University of Aberdeen will compare records from the historic cities of Augsburg and Aberdeen ...

Using base metals instead of expensive precious metals / Chromium in a designed environment exhibits an exceptionally long lifetime of its electronically excited state and potentially allows for sustainable photocatalytic applications ...

JGU research team will focus on paleovegetation and wildfires ...
Diverse access requirements hinder refugees' successful integration into higher education in 66 host countries ...

Data from CERN's Large Hadron Collider could help track down the long-sought axion ...

Further funding periods for three CRCs involving Mainz-based scientists working in the fields of the materials sciences, nuclear physics, and at the Mainz University Medical Center ...