Press Releases
Researchers compare the growth of infection rates in Jena with those of similar cities where wearing of face masks was not made compulsory until later ...
JGU in the leading international group with regard to the number of research publications, third-party funding, and number of patents ...

Bacterial symbionts support their host's larvae and adult insects in different ways ...
DFG sponsors CRC/Transregio 288 on Elastic Tuning and Response of Electronic Quantum Phases of Matter ...

Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation promotes innovative research concepts / New research project focuses on neglected tropical diseases ...

Scientists from the PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence and the Helmholtz Institute Mainz propose a promising way to detect parity violation in molecules for the first time ...

Electrolytic depolymerization of lignin in caustic soda could replace the existing environmentally harmful process for producing the most widely used flavoring and aroma agent in the world ...

Eminent scientist from the Weizmann Institute to conduct research into dark matter and fundamental new physics as a guest member of Dmitry Budker's group ...

Mainz-based researchers present new technique for measuring the charge state, defects, and capacity losses of rechargeable batteries using atomic magnetometry ...
Drugs used for curing hepatitis C might also help against Covid-19 / World Health Organization publishes paper presented by researchers from Mainz University ...
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz is one of the ten most research-intensive German universities in physics ...
In national comparison, JGU is rated above average in the "Supervision", "Overall study situation", "Exams", and "Study organization" indicators ...
Researchers use localization microscopy to observe microscopic changes in individual molecules in pre- and post-synapses ...

State government and university are promoting the sustained development and expansion of digital teaching and learning at JGU through JGU DIALOG ...

Peter Kupfer of Mainz University published a history of the Chinese wine culture / 9,000-year-old discoveries from central China are the world's earliest traces of winemaking ...

EU funding for the collection of a new tree ring network covering the Northern Hemisphere and the development of tree ring growth and density models ...
CORA study examines students' ability to critically assess information from the Internet and from social media ...

Biophysical chemist receives prestigious EU research funding for work on membraneless organelles that construct synthetic proteins in cells ...

Researchers present initial results of the Belle II experiment and their work dealing with a new particle in the context of Dark Matter ...

Twinning program of the European Union will fund the training of young researchers and scientists from the Czech Republic at Mainz University ...