News 2022
New study published in the journal Cell ...
Future process aims at preserving the advantages of PEGylation for the use in nanomedicine while avoiding recognition of the new PEG structures by the immune system ...
New Microbiology and Neuroscience programs to be launched in the 2022/2023 winter semester in addition to the existing Master's program in Molecular Biotechnology ...
JGU to bestow its most prestigious research award on quantum physicist Rainer Blatt of the University of Innsbruck ...
A pure quantum effect as the key to a better understanding of the subatomic world / New research program in Mainz bundles a wide range of expertise ...
Direction-selective neuron subtypes detect complex motion patterns and not uniform directions of motion ...
EU funding for work on the adaptive properties of visual systems of insects ...
Vertical wind tunnel at Mainz University supplies important data to facilitate the prediction of heavy rain, hail, and graupel precipitation ...
A representative survey of 500 ultra-Orthodox Israeli adults during the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the role that digital media can play in promoting safer behavior by increasing compliance with government health regulations ...
Tree ring analyses reveal growth declines over recent decades / Researchers expect further, even drastic declines, especially in southern Europe ...
Work in times of Brexit: New survey on the relationship between macropolitical events and personal wellbeing ...
Researchers will examine decisions made by algorithms with regard to transparency and fairness as well as data protection and the efficient use of resources ...
Most prestigious research award of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz goes to Dutch archaeologist ...
New proteomics method identifies proteins binding to R-loops and decodes the role of the DDX41 protein in opposing double-strand breaks in the cells' DNA ...
BECCAL will allow experiments to be conducted on board the ISS using ultracold atoms for fundamental research and for the development of quantum sensors of the future ...
BMBF project PhotonQ brings together seven universities and research institutions as well as industrial partners ...
Rosa Rademakers has won the 2021 Generet Award for Rare Diseases and will be endowed with EUR 1 million / Part of the funding will be used for research at Mainz University ...
Providing in-depth skills in data analysis and decision making within complex economic settings ...
Sensor network GNOME publishes comprehensive data in Nature Physics for the first time / Nine stations in six countries involved ...
Results of surveys involving more than 100,000 participants in 26 countries show a correlation between belief in conspiracies and identification as far-left, and, in particular, far-right ...