News 2016

Mainz University Medical Center and Fraunhofer Institute to set up a joint research project to develop a support system for the digestive tract ...

One step further towards the application of skyrmions in spintronic devices ...

Cerium dioxide nanoparticles block communication between bacteria and prevent the formation of biofilms ...

Sobek Prize for groundbreaking research on multiple sclerosis ...

MAINZ Visiting Professorships awarded to Egbert Willem Meijer and Gen Tatara ...

m6A modification plays an important role in the function of the nervous system and in sex determination in the fruit fly ...

Collaborative Research Center 1080 on "Molecular and cellular mechanisms of neuronal homeostasis" is to be financed for a further four years ...

Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics signs cooperation agreement with the ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research in Brazil ...

Explanation for inconsistent effectiveness of certain treatments of multiple sclerosis / Publication in Nature Immunology ...

Six-month stay to help local teachers in English courses / Cooperation with GIZ ...

Temperature and water content cycles within magma reservoirs linked to eruptive style ...

One of the most highly endowed German research awards will be used to establish a junior research group to study dark matter at Mainz University ...

Mainz University Medical Center examines the link between myopia and cognitive abilities ...

Mainz-based working group constructed a prototype detector for the Small Wheel of the ATLAS muon spectrometer / Results of initial tests on the ATLAS detector are highly promising ...

German Resilience Center presents new findings on the resistance to stress ...

Chromosome researcher Peter Baumann to become Professor of Molecular Biology and Adjunct Director at IMB contributing to the restructuring of the discipline of biology at Mainz University ...

Collaborative project results in the construction of a second UCN source at the TRIGA research reactor in Mainz / Blueprint for Munich-based high-efficiency source ...

Quantum leap in the reliability of mass spectrometry-based proteomics ...

New excavations to investigate the use of the palace following the severe earthquake of 749 AD ...

Cancer researcher from Mainz develops targeted epigenetic approach for the treatment of aggressive forms of leukemia ...