News 2015

Formation of blueschist is determined by changes to the chemical composition of oceanic crust ...

Goethe University Frankfurt, TU Darmstadt, and Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz intensify their collaboration ...

Physicists at Mainz University conduct research on fundamental aspects of the subatomic world ...

Joint project involving the universities of Frankfurt and Mainz attracts some EUR 11 million in financial support ...

Aggressive behavior of entire ant colony reduced / Lifespan of uninfected nest-mates curtailed but increased in infected ants ...

Joint research project aims at the improvement of companion diagnostics and therapy of tumor diseases ...

NeuroD1 gene is essential for eliciting the neuronal development program and possesses the ability to reprogram other cell types into neurons ...

Small pit in Yavneh contained 7,000 cult artifacts from the pre-Christian era / Ancient population used different substances to induce hallucinations ...

Lack of brood care has a short-term advantage but is disadvantageous in long-term transgenerational effects ...

Professor of Isotope Geochemical Paleoclimatology / Speleothem research focuses on the reconstruction of past climate variability ...

Waves to Weather research center focuses on deficiencies and challenges of weather prediction with the aim to improve forecast models ...

International exchange of experience in university governance and quality assurance ...

Findings of a new study may help researchers to discover ways of treating diseases such as heart attack, stroke, and cancer ...

Quality Pact for Teaching program of the German Federal Government and the Länder aims to improve study conditions and the quality of teaching at institutions of higher education ...

Earlier excavations have provided important insights into the structure of the ancient remains of Haft Tappeh and its development over time ...

Scientists create a new international research consortium to develop a sustainable chemical infrastructure ...

Research findings will be used to improve cancer therapy / German government provides approximately EUR 3.8 million in financing ...

DFG-funded research group at Mainz University uses statistical physics and latest technologies in computer simulation to look into colloidal particles under flow ...

Mainz University honors the director of the Bach Collegium Japan for his interdisciplinary approach to academic teaching ...

Groundbreaking ceremony for new cyclotron building at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz / Large-scale research facility enhances the university's strong research profile ...