Social Media

In addition to a number of social media channels operated by the central Press and Public Relations Office of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, many faculties, institutes, offices, student councils, and project groups of Mainz University have their own social media channels. Here is a list of all the channels we know; most of them are operated in German.

In case you are aware of a JGU channel not listed here or you have just opened an account for some institution of Mainz University in one of the networks listed, please send us an e-mail to let us know. We will be glad to add new channels to our list.


Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

(link to Facebook)

(link to Instagram)

(link to X)

(link to the X Event channel of JGU)

(link to the English-language X channel of JGU)
(in English)

(link to YouTube)

(link to LinkedIn)

(link to LinkedIn)
(Gutenberg Alumni)

Faculty 01: Catholic Theology and Protestant Theology
Protestant Theology (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram) (link to YouTube)
Student council Protestant Theology (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Judaic Studies (link to Facebook) (link to X)
Friends' Association of Biblical Archaeology (link to Facebook)
Catholic Theology (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Student council Catholic Theology (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Alumni Faculty of Catholic Theology (link to Facebook)
Faculty 02: Social Sciences, Media, and Sports
SoWi?So! - Successful and international studying and teaching at Faculty 02 (link to Instagram) (link to LinkedIn)
Media Education work group (link to Facebook) (link to X)
Student advising office Education (link to Facebook)
Student council Education (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Student council Teacher Training (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
School of Journalism (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram) (link to X)

(link to YouTube)

Political Science (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram) (link to X)
Political Science – Empirical Political Research (link to Facebook)
Student council Political Science (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Friends' Association of the Mainz Political Science e.V. (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Psychology – Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy, and Experimental Psychopathology (link to Instagram)
Work, Organizational, and Business Psychology (link to X) (link to LinkedIn)
Student council Psychology (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Communication (link to Facebook) (link to X)
Student council Communication (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram) (link to X)
Mainz Alumni Foundation of Communication (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram) (link to LinkedIn)
Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1482: Studies in Human Categorization (link to Instagram) (link to YouTube)
Student council Sociology (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Institute of Sports Science (link to Instagram)
Sports Education/Sports Didactics (link to YouTube)
Sports History, Sports Sociology, Sports Business Administration (link to Facebook) (link to YouTube) (link to LinkedIn)
Student council Sports (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Faculty 03: Law, Management and Economics
Student council Law (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Gutenberg School of Management & Economics (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Management and Digital Transformation (link to Facebook) (link to X) (link to LinkedIn)
Economics, esp. Macroeconomics (link to Facebook)
WiWi Internship Board (link to Facebook)
Student council Management and Economics (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Gutenberg School of Business Mainz (GSB Mainz) (link to Facebook) (link to LinkedIn)
M.Sc. International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP) (link to Facebook) (link to LinkedIn)
WiWi ERASMUS Office (link to Facebook)
Alumni Mainz e.V. (Law, Management and Economics) (link to Facebook)
Mainz Economists (link to Facebook) (link to X)
Faculty 04: Mainz University Medical Center (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram) (link to X) (link to YouTube) (link to LinkedIn)
EMTHERA – RMU Research Cluster (link to X)
ILKUM (link to Facebook)
Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene (IMMH) (link to LinkedIn)
Skills Lab (link to Facebook) (link to YouTube)
Student council Medicine (link to Facebook)
Student council Medicine – Preclinical (link to Facebook)
Student council Dentistry (link to Facebook)
Medical Campus Trier (MCT) (link to Instagram)
Collaborative Research Center / Transregio (CRC/TRR) 355: Heterogeneity and functional specialization of regulatory T cells in distinct microenvironments (link to Instagram) (link to LinkedIn)
Extension studies Master Medical Ethics (link to X)
Faculty 05: Philosophy and Philology
General and Comparative Literature
Language Acquisition and Language Didactics of German (link to Instagram)
American Studies – Obama Institute (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Mainz Scotland Hub (link to X)
Student council English (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Book Studies (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
M.A. Children's Literature/Book Studies (link to X)
Student council Book Studies (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
German as a Foreign Language /
German as a Second Language
(link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Student Council German (link to Instagram)
Student Council Comparative Literature (link to Instagram)
Student council Indology (link to Facebook)
Italian Philology (link to Instagram)
Theater Studies (link to Facebook)
Student Council Theater Studies (link to Instagram)
Student Council Film Studies and Media Dramaturgy (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Cultural Anthropology (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram) (link to X)
Student council Cultural Anthropology (link to Facebook)
Neurolinguistic language lab (link to Facebook)
Student council Philosophy (link to Facebook)
Slavic, Turkic and Circum-Baltic Studies (link to Facebook)
Slavic Studies (link to Facebook)
Student council Slavic Studies (link to Facebook)
Polonicum (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Student council Turkic Studies (link to Instagram)
Northern European and Baltic Languages and Cultures (link to Facebook)
Student council Romance Studies (link to Instagram)
M.A. International Master in Sociolinguistics and Multilingualism (link to Facebook)
PHILIS: Internet portal for students of Faculty 05 (link to Instagram)
Faculty 06: Translation Studies,
Linguistics, and Cultural Studies / Germersheim
(link to Facebook) (link to Instagram) (link to X) (link to YouTube) (link to LinkedIn)
Intercultural German Studies (link to Instagram)
Russian Studies (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram) (link to YouTube)
Turkic Studies (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Student council Chinese Studies (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Student council French Studies (link to Instagram)
Student council Italian Studies (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Student council Portuguese Studies (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Student council Spanish Studies (link to Instagram)
Faculty 07: History and Cultural Studies
Department of Ancient Studies (link to Instagram)
Department of Ancient Studies – Egyptology (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram) (link to X)
Project "Ancient Egyptian cursive scripts" (link to Facebook) (link to X)
Department of Ancient Studies – Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Philology (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram) (link to X)
Department of Ancient Studies – Classical Archaeology and Classical Archaeology (link to Facebook)
Department of Ancient Studies – Pre- and Protohistory (link to Instagram)
Student council Archaeology (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Student council Classical Philology (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Ancient Sciences Innovation Lab (ASIL)
Research Training Group 1876: Early Concepts of Humans and Nature: Universal, Specific, Interchanged (link to Facebook) (link to X)
Department of Anthropology and African Studies (link to Facebook) (link to X)
African Music Archives (AMA) (link to Facebook)
Student council Anthropology and African Studies (link to Facebook)
Research Training Group 2304: Byzantium and the Euro-Mediterranean Cultures of War. Exchange, Differentiation and Reception (link to Facebook)
Ancient History and the Cultural History of Antiquity (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram) (link to X)
Modern History (link to X)
Project Clio 2.0 (link to Instagram) (link to X)
Student council History (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram) (link to X)
Friends' Association of Historical Sciences at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz e.V. (link to Facebook) (link to X)
Art History (link to Instagram)
Student council Art History (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Musicology (link to Facebook) (link to X)
Student council Musicology (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Student council Digital Methods in the Humanities and Cultural Studies (link to Facebook) (link to X)
Faculty 08: Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science (link to Instagram)
Physics (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Irène Joliot-Curie Program of the PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence (link to Facebook)
Talents @ PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence
Physics projects for school students (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Collaborative Research Center / Transregio (CRC/TRR) 173: Spin+X: Spin in its collective environment
Atmospheric Physics (link to Instagram) (link to X)
Spin Phenomena Interdisciplinary Center (SPICE) (link to Facebook) (link to X) (link to YouTube)
Student council Physics / Meteorology (link to Instagram)
Helmholtz Institute Mainz (link to Facebook)
Computer Science Friends' Association (link to LinkedIn)
Mathematics Friends' Association (link to Facebook)
Faculty 09: Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Geography, and Geosciences (link to Instagram)
Cluster4Future "Electrifying Technical Organic Syntheses" (ETOS) (link to X) (link to LinkedIn)
Graduate School of Excellence "Materials Science in Mainz" (MAINZ) (link to YouTube) (link to LinkedIn)
Student council Chemistry (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Geography (link to Instagram) (link to YouTube) (link to LinkedIn)
Human Geography (link to Facebook) (link to YouTube)
Student council Geography (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Geosciences (link to Instagram)
Geosciences – ERASMUS (link to Facebook)
Student council Geosciences (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Student council Pharmaceutical Sciences (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Faculty 10: Biology (link to Instagram)
Behavioral Ecology and Social Evolution group – Social Insects Lab (link to X)
Biology Didactics (link to YouTube)
Biology Didactics – "Hummeln helfen! Rhein-Main" project (link to Instagram)
Student council Biology (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram) (link to X)
Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1361: Regulation of DNA Repair and Genome Stability (link to X)
Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1551: Polymer Concepts in Cellular Function (link to X)
Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram) (link to X) (link to YouTube) (link to LinkedIn)
Mainz School of Music (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram) (link to YouTube)
Student council Music (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Network School Music e.V. (link to Facebook)
Mainz Academy of Arts (link to Facebook) (link to X)
Student Council of Mainz Academy of Arts (link to Facebook)
Film (link to Facebook)
Didactics of Art (link to Facebook)
Further accounts A-Z
Ada Lovelace Project (ALP) (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram) (link to X)
Campus Mainz e.V. (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram) (link to X) (link to YouTube)
Campus Radio (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
CampusTV (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram) (link to YouTube)
Center for French and Francophone Studies (ZFF) (link to X)
Center for Lifelong Learning (ZWW) (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram) (link to YouTube)
Collegium musicum (link to Facebook) (link to X)
Collegium musicum – UniChoir (link to Facebook) (link to YouTube)
Collegium musicum – UniOrchestra (link to Facebook) (link to YouTube)
Dijon Office – Integrated Courses of Study Mainz-Dijon (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Early Study at JGU (link to Instagram)
Emotional and Social Competencies Training (TESK) (link to Instagram)
FIT FORTHEM – Fostering Institutional Transformation of R&I Policies in European Universities (link to X)

(link to LinkedIn)
FORTHEM – Fostering Outreach within European Regions, Transnational Higher Education and Mobility (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram) (link to X)

(link to YouTube)

(link to LinkedIn)
General Students' Committee (AStA) (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram) (link to X)
General Students' Committee (AStA) at FTSK (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
General Students' Committee (AStA) International (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
General Studies program (link to Instagram) (link to YouTube)
Gutenberg Academy (link to YouTube)
Gutenberg International Conference Center (link to X)
Healthy Campus Mainz (link to Instagram) (link to X)
High-potential Research Area on Interdisciplinary Public Policy (IPP) (link to X)
High-potential Research Area on Social and Cultural Sciences Mainz (SOCUM) (link to Facebook) (link to X) (link to YouTube)
Institute of Historical Regional Studies at Mainz University e.V. (IGL) (link to Facebook) (link to X)
International Office – Incomings (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
International Office – Outgoings (link to Facebook)
Journal of Unsolved Questions (JUNQ) (link to Facebook)
Mainz Center for Digitality in the Humanities and Cultural Studies (mainzed) (link to X)
Media Center (link to YouTube)
Meet Female Scientists (link to Instagram)
Mental Health Services (link to Instagram)
Model European Union Mainz (MEUM) (link to Facebook)
Natural Science Lab for School children (link to Facebook)
Office for Research on Small Disciplines (link to X)
Project ModeLL-M: Mainz Models for Digitally Enhanced Teaching and Learning (link to LinkedIn)
Project Zukunft@JGU (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Research Unit on Media Convergence (link to X) (link to YouTube)
Rhine-Main Universities (link to Instagram)
Startup Center (link to Instagram)
Student Parliament (StuPa) (link to Facebook)
Student Parliament (StuPa) at FTSK (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Student Sports Association (link to Instagram)
Teacher Training Center (link to Instagram)
Top-level Research Area "40,000 Years of Human Challenges: Perception, Conceptualization and Coping in Premodern Societies" (link to X)
Top-level Research Area "TopDyn – Dynamics and Topology" (link to Instagram) (link to LinkedIn)
University Library Mainz (UB) (link to Instagram)
University Archive (link to Facebook)
University Sports Center (link to Facebook) (link to Instagram)
Welcome Center of the International Office (link to Facebook)
Women's Library (link to Facebook) (link to X)