Press Releases

Mössbauer Group identifies carbonate mineral formation in the Columbia Hills consistent with the reported findings for meteorite ALH 84001 ...

Outpatient Policlinic for Psychotherapy investigates effects of therapy in depressive patients under empirical conditions ...
Institute for Translational Oncology at the Mainz University Medical Center has received one of the world's first Illumina HiSeq genome sequencers ...
Ultra-thin glass fiber enables the controlled coupling of light and matter / Publication in Physical Review Letters ...

Scientists demonstrate for the first time exotic multi-particle interactions between ultracold atoms in an artificial crystal of light ...
Mainz University participates in international study of the relationship between mobile phone use and brain tumor risk ...
Renowned cell and development biologist and recipient of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz prize is to head the new research center on molecular biology ...
JGU concept for the consistent further development of teaching skills integrates systematic staff development and innovative elements of a learning organization ...

Mainz-based medical project participates in simulated Mars mission "Mars500" ...
Institute of Microbiology and Wine Research partners Ajit Varma in investigating the effects of nanoparticles on the growth of microorganisms ...

Researchers based in Israel and Mainz present the first group of findings ...
With the financial crisis in mind, Louis Velthuis is advocating changes to incentive schemes for business executives that would avoid future mismotivation ...
Data collected at elevations of up to 20 kilometers should make it possible to predict future changes to the ozone layer with greater accuracy ...
The annual growth rings of oak trees provide researchers with information on summer droughts from late medieval times to the present ...
Institute of Educational Science at Mainz University, Germany cooperates with the Kangnam University in Yongin in South Korea ...
Academics at eight European universities tasked with preparing a European Language Vitality Barometer in the next three years ...

University receives state-of-the-art computer systems to the value of $450,000 / Computer simulations expected to improve efficiency of solar cells ...

Mainz University to be responsible for the program module "Ethics in Sport" in the Executive Master in European Sport Governance (MESGO) ...
German Research Foundation and the state of Rhineland-Palatinate provide funding for the Mainz Screening Center ...

Project funded by the BMBF promotes long-term collaboration / Contacts with Asia to be extended