Press Releases

Oscillations in the atomic nucleus of thorium-229 to be used as pulse generator for future nuclear clocks ...

Researchers from Mainz analyze emissions from major Asian cities to better understand and predict the extent and impact of urban air pollution on the Earth's atmosphere ...
Open Library of Humanities makes high-standard academic research material in the humanities available to everybody ...

Mainz-based research team forges a new tool for manipulating ubiquitin chains and thus protein behavior ...

Magnon spintronics employs magnons instead of electrical charges for information processing ...

Drosophila needs APP-like protein in its full-length form to maintain working memory and prevent age-related memory impairment ...

Palaeogenomic study investigates early medieval migration in southern Germany and the peculiar phenomenon of artificial skull deformation ...

Mainz University honors two theologians from Yale University for their outstanding academic lifetime achievements ...

Mutations lead to genetic differences even between closely related species ...

Historians to investigate the situation of Jews assimilated to German culture in Latvia between 1919 and 1939 and their relationships with the German section of the population ...

Researchers at the Mainz University Medical Center have discovered that the EGFL7 protein inhibits the migration of immune cells into the brain ...

Particle physicist Harvey Meyer of Mainz University investigates the matter that emerged after the Big Bang as a result of the strong interaction of quarks and gluons ...

Diversification of two genera of the Annonaceae plant family in the tropical rainforests of Central and South America has occurred largely in parallel and in line with major geological transitions ...

Mainz-based geoscientist will develop computer models to obtain new insights in magmatic processes ...

Antibiotic cocktail produced by symbiotic bacteria changed very little in the course of evolution and its antipathogenic effect remained unaltered ...

Physicists propose a new theory of dark matter based on the detection of unusual x-ray radiation from galaxies ...

Search for alternative and more environmentally friendly aviation fuels ...

Motivation increases when being taught science subjects outdoors ...

Physicists at Mainz University demonstrate technologically feasible read-out and writing of digital information in antiferromagnets / Basic principle for ultrafast and stable magnetic memory ...
Publication in PNAS provides an answer to an old and fundamental question of biochemistry ...