Press Releases

Prestigious award for Mainz cancer scientist ...

Defenders' behavior and brain gene activity reflects origin of attacking slavemakers ...

Social communication in bee colonies: Bees learn to evaluate the importance of information shared by waggle dances ...
Small inhibitor molecule inhibits parasitic enzyme / Novel concept could also be employed in the future rational design of drugs for the treatment of other diseases ...

Rhine-Main Universities Initiative Funding for Research supports the innovative DeCoDeML network of the universities of Mainz, Darmstadt, and Frankfurt ...
Despite rapidly increasing intervention rates, the complication rate remains consistently low ...

Mainz University Medical Center uncovers new insights into the effects of food nanoparticles on the intestinal flora ...

SUPRAVACC project is based on a modular concept using individual molecular building blocks for the preparation of fully synthetic vaccines ...
Poverty should be tackled over the short term by the introduction of new control instruments and, in the longer term, through early childhood education ...

Scientists can reconstruct the feeding behavior and habitats of extinct vertebrates ...
Scientists at the Mainz University Medical Center have discovered the potential of a typhoid vaccine for treatment of the autoimmune disease multiple sclerosis (MS) ...

EU grant worth EUR 2 million for the development of a new approach in optical spectroscopy ...

SYMBeetle project to investigate symbiont-assisted cuticle biosynthesis as a crucial mechanism that may have contributed to the evolutionary success of beetles ...
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research to promote a clinical study headed by the Mainz University Medical Center regarding the efficacy of probiotics for premature infants ...

Mainz University Medical Center publishes new findings that contribute to our understanding of neurodegenerative disorders ...
Mainz-based scientists publish recent findings on resilience research ...

Project funding via the RMU Initiative Funding for Research / Study participants sought-after ...

Interdisciplinary research alliance to identify cellular mechanisms involved in protecting and repairing genes ...
Mainz-based immunologists report on a new mechanism of immune evasion in Nature Immunology ...

An international collaboration uses laser-generated stars to determine the Earth's magnetic field in the sodium layer of the atmosphere ...